A Tough Life

Camera Damage

A explosive test range is a dangerous place  for a camera.  It is possible to protect them behind cover and film with a mirror, but with a lot of cameras on a trial and the time pressures and logistics involved, it is not always possible. The more practical choice is not to overspend on your cameras and accept that some might have a ‘viking burial’. This camera got a direct hit from about 30m away but did get some useful footage right up to impact. Modern compact cameras film in very good quality for  not much money.  High-speed video cameras, on the other hand, are kept well back, in a protective hide, with long lenses. 

Blast Protection News

COP That

Mailsafes for COP29 We are pleased to have supplied a batch of 20 Mailsafe 110 Units in support of COP29, that will take place in

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Invitation Only

Now that the social media restrictions have been lifted I can say thank you to the team at level peaks for the invite to ‘Breacher’s

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Pint of Science 2024

Pint of Science 24

It was great fun last night to be a speaker at one of Nottingham’s ‘Pint of Science’ events. The Pint of Science festival is being

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