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To get through the worst of the Alaskan snow, Rosie Swale-Pope borrowed a small pulk sled with an integrated canopy. This was large enough to crawl inside and provided instant shelter – a great improvement over having to pitch her tent every time she stopped.
Rosie approached her main sponsor, ‘Runner’s World’ magazine about a road going equivalent for when she reached the road network at Fairbanks.
Having designed her earlier trolley ‘Hercules’, SJH Projects was commissioned to come up with his successor. This was duly delivered and Rosie named him ‘Silver’. (Rosie has decided that her trollies require male names).
By pulling three spring pins, Silver settles down on to his reinforced and insulated base.
Silver has been Rosie’s distinctive companion all the way from Alaska and will continue with her until she finishes her epic journey at home in Tenby, Wales.