Steve Holland of SJH Projects was invited to participate in the UK Department of Health, Blast Injuries Expert Symposium that took place on the 11th and 12th June 2007 in London.
The aim of the symposium was to review the lessons learnt from the July 7th 2005 London bombings from a medical response perspective. On the first day, working groups were convened to examine particular aspects of ‘7/7’ and other similar mass casualty events. The conclusions were distilled into focussed briefings and presentations that were provided to a wider audience on the second day.
Steve Holland participated in the ‘Pre-Hospital’ working group that considered amongst other things, safety on scene, the potential of secondary devices, creating some order at the scene, command and control, communications and triage and evacuation of the full range of patients from the severely wounded to apparently uninjured bystanders.
The outcome of the symposium will be a seies of recommendations to Government and an information package and DVD that will be distributed widely within the NHS.