The Finnish Line
New Product Alert: Read it here first. We have officially launched a new Detsafe, a bespoke solution developed in collaboration with RAIKKA in Finland for
Historically, Hostile Vehicle Mitigation has been focussed on preventing a ‘Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device’ (VBIED) from entering a controlled perimeter. As blast overpressure decays rapidly with distance it, keeping a potential blast away is the best form of protection where space allows.
In recent times, with attacks across Europe, there has been a change in that the vehicle itself has now become a low-tech but effective weapon in its own right. Attacks on crowded pedestrian areas have become an established tactic. Depending on circumstances and damage, the attack might then be continued by dismounted assailants.
The barrier, fence and gate technology used to protect against VBIEDs can be deployed just as well to prevent ‘Vehicle as a Weapon’ attacks.
SJH Projects has actively participated in the UK Government sponsored testing of a novel barrier system which was already in use in Canada. This provided an up-close understanding of the energy associated with such an attack and the most effective mechanisms to deal with it.With partners, SJH Projects has undertaken HVM assessments of facilities in the UK and abroad, covering the commercial and Government sector. This has covered single buildings to be used in countries with an established threat, to city centre shopping areas adapting to the recent change in threat.
SJH can provide impartial on advice the relative performance and practicalities of a range of commercially available options for bollards, blockers and other HVM focussed street furniture.
We can also provide a design and test service for bespoke solutions that integrate into your wider requirement and proposed operational set up.
A key part in selecting the right Hostile Vehicle Mitigation measure is an understanding of how hard they they might be hit. To understand this a Vehicle Dynamics Assessment (VDA) should be performed. The possible approach routes to each part of your target building or facility should be mapped – bearing in mind that normal ‘rules of the road’ become irrelevant for such a study. For each attack the length of run up distances, the radii of bends, inclines and declines and and the nature of the surface need to be mapped out and recorded. Approved tables are then used for a logical selection of vehicle classes to establish the most probable velocity at impact (velocity being speed and direction). A VDA is meticulous exercise and should be supported by a site visit or detailed photography and terrain and contour mapping where available.
See the SJH Projects more detailed read on Hostile Vehicle Mitigation and Vehicle Dynamics Assessments in ‘Collected Articles’ by clicking Here
New Product Alert: Read it here first. We have officially launched a new Detsafe, a bespoke solution developed in collaboration with RAIKKA in Finland for
Mailsafes for COP29 We are pleased to have supplied a batch of 20 Mailsafe 110 Units in support of COP29, that will take place in
Now that the social media restrictions have been lifted I can say thank you to the team at level peaks for the invite to ‘Breacher’s