Girl Power: By sheer fluke of timing, two expeditions in which we are involved got properly underway on Saturday. Sacha Dench, held up by weather, finally got airborne on her record breaking attempt to circumnavigate the UK mainland in an electric paramotor. This is a huge environmental project and is part of the lead up to COP26 this autumn. You can follow her at Conservation Without Borders. Within a few hours of Sacha, 74 year old Rosie Swale-Pope set out on her second attempt to run to Kathmandu to support Phase Worldwide. Her earlier try was thwarted in Turkey by Covid. Having got Ice Chick back and fixed up ( a huge team effort) Rosie will this time be going via Norway, Lapland, Russia and Tibet – on her own and unsupported, living in Ice Chick, at which is now and expert.