September 2012
This series was run mainly as a battery and system endurance test for the heated clothing system. With everything on max settings we required the battery to last for four hours which covered the span of time that the user would be outside without a break and the opportunity to swap it out for a fully charged one.
Whilst this test was underway there was a rat of other newer equipment including safety wear that could be examined and the less high performance clothing for the ship’s crew for assisting in the unloading of the equipment on the ice shelf.
The tests went well, if a bit chaotically, and the central battery was five and half hours which was great news for the team but less so for Ian Prickett, the test subject who had to stand in -58C for all that time with others popping in and out for their shorter duration tests. During this spell at this temperature Ian was very comfortable and able to simulate he required movements for a range of tasks.
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