Detsafe - Safe Transportation and Storage of Detonators

Detsafes - Easing the Burden

The transport and storage or detonators has always presented a logistical burden the user. The restrictions posed by the UN Hazard Classification system and the overlaying local rules often dictates the use of separate vehicles for movement or dedicated storage away from the rest of the explosive stores.

Whether the use is commercial, law enforcement, military or for NGOs running humanitarian demining or EOD programmes, the Detsafe range will make the operational planning both simpler and safer. 


Detsafe 8M after live Incident

Detsafe Saves the Day: 

Read more on a live incident in which a Detsafe 8M proved its worth. Click Here

Detsafe 5S

The smallest unit is designed to carry five detonators in a light, compact load. This was developed at a customer request to be part of a man portable humanitarian demining kit.

Detsafe 8M

Detonator container, Detsafe 8M

Similar in size to a standard NATO H83 .50 cal ammunition box the Detsafe 8M has eight moulded chambers. This is a popular unit used mainly for military electric detonators

Detsafe 18M

The 18M is designed to take a single detonator in each chamber. Based on the H83 .50 Cal ammunition box, the 18M was the first Detsafe to receive a UN 1.4S classification.

Detsafe 8L

This is an extended version of the Detsafe 8M, this unit is ideal for electric detonators with long connecting wires. They can be inserted into the eight chambers without folding additional folding of the coiled command wires.

Detsafe EMOE

Detsafe EMOE

Designed for the detonator kits commonly used for ‘Explosive Methods of Entry’ kits this was developed at the request of the UK national programme.

This is the certified unit used throughout the Police Forces of the United Kingdom in support of their EMOE activities.

Detsafe FR

Designed for the Forensic Recovery of detonators/ blasting caps from crime scene. This product development was initiated at the request of a foreign government agency.

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