Designated Imitation

That double take when you start to watch ‘Designated Survivor’ on Netflix. In Season 1, Episode 1, the US Capitol Building is destroyed by terrorists bombs but they manage to retrieve one. Then you see the EOD Techs placing the device in a mocked up version of our very own Mailsafe blast container. This was designed for safely isolating postal devices, so loading it with an IED based on a Russian anti-tank mine is somewhat optimistic. See more on the real Mailsafes Here

Blast Protection News

COP That

Mailsafes for COP29 We are pleased to have supplied a batch of 20 Mailsafe 110 Units in support of COP29, that will take place in

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Invitation Only

Now that the social media restrictions have been lifted I can say thank you to the team at level peaks for the invite to ‘Breacher’s

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Pint of Science 2024

Pint of Science 24

It was great fun last night to be a speaker at one of Nottingham’s ‘Pint of Science’ events. The Pint of Science festival is being

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